New – our 2024 guided journaling podcast!

We’re excited to bring you our new guided journaling podcast series for 2024, which you can enjoy with or without your little ones!

Our My Birth Maternal Journal Guided Visualisations will be released as monthly episodes of about 10 minutes long. 

Aileen White, My Birth Support founder, says: “I’d love you to join me for a relaxing 10 mins each month. Find some playdoh, paper or your journal and colours enjoy the guided journaling relaxations ”

“Thank you to Maternal Journal who created the guides with artists in the first place.  They create a life affirming prompts for parents and carers who need time to check in with themselves.”

Out on the last Sunday of the month, our 10-minute guided visualisations are led by the relaxing voice of our My Birth Support founder Aileen White. 

They are ideal for you to enjoy as a parent or carer alone or with your little one.  Each episode offers a relaxing and encouraging way to care for yourself and your family.  Why not enjoy them just before bed as part of relaxing before sleep.

These are also a perfect taster of the Maternal Journal Evening Circle sessions we offer. Once a month on Mondays we offer guided journaling for mums.  Do come and join us at one of those soon, information will be available here each month about the session.

Aileen continues “We’re grateful for grant funding from The St Helens Town Centre Trustees which has enabled us to produce this podcast series.”

If you need support for your wellbeing and mental health in a group or 1:1 session, please do get in touch with Aileen at:

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