
Hi, I’m Aileen White (she/her) and I’ve been offering perinatal mental health support (perinatal means before and after birth) to families for the past eleven years since overcoming Tokophobia (fear of childbirth) and becoming a parent myself.

As a qualified and experienced teacher, I am passionate about helping you learn a personalised toolkit of creative strategies to help you flourish and thrive. Through our support, you can become more resilient and confident. I offer childbirth preparation, birth trauma recovery and parenting support groups or 1:1 over the internet or face-to-face in and around Canterbury UK.

Being the parent of a neuro diverse child, I recognise how important it is to tailor my support to meet your needs, to offer a very warm welcome to LGBTQIA+ families and to those with English as a second language.

I recognise not everyone can afford tailored support, so I founded My Birth Support CIC. Through grant funding we are able to offer our perinatal mental health support events in groups at a more affordable rate for all. This includes:

Birth Preparation

Develop your toolkit for pregnancy, birth and parenting with confidence.

Trauma Recovery

Come to terms with an unexpected or traumatic birth experience.

Living with Loss

Create ways to commemorate your baby after miscarriage, still birth or neonatal death.


A community to support you as you grow and flourish in your role as a parent.

Deborah Hart
Deborah Hart
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I just love Aileen’s approach to her work. She is caring and gentle, encouraging clients and colleagues alike to pause and reflect, making space for answers (and questions!). She is generous with her time and her support of others, she’s warm and genuine and pours her soul into her work. I have been fortunate to take part in her maternal journal sessions a couple of times now and on both occasions I found the process to be cathartic and cleansing, not least because of Aileen’s guidance in being graceful with ourselves. It’s always a pleasure to be in her company and I would easily recommend her services to anyone looking for a genuine, trustworthy guide to help navigate motherhood!
Naomi Gale
Naomi Gale
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
It's so lovely to see an organisation centring mothers and their motherload in such a caring accessible way. Thank you for all you do Aileen!
May Burke
May Burke
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Aileen at My Birth Support regularly signposts local doulas towards relevant & accessible training opportunities which we would otherwise be unaware of. These enable us to improve our knowledge & skills & the services we provide in supporting new families in East Kent. I am also grateful for the support & depth of experience that this organisation is able to offer our community generally. When I’ve struggled with confidence in supporting clients’ emotional health in their run up to birth, Aileen has given me specific tools & the reassurance I needed to be able to support them most effectively. What an invaluable resource that is so needed in the heart of East Kent. Thank you for all that you do!
MCounseling Health
MCounseling Health
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Aileen White is a beautiful and kind soul. she holds a very deep and grounding presence for her clients. I received few EFT sessions with her guidance. Few months later I was able to release and let go of certain aspects that were taking too much space in my life. I felt very safe with Aileen and she is a very good listener, compassionate professional, and caring individual. I highly recommend anyone who is open to try EFT with Aileen White.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Aileen is amazing. I came across her accidentally through a recomendation from someone who had since moved abroad and it turned out we both lived in the same city. She really actively listens and puts so much thought and care into the resources and support that she offers, and is highly knowledgeable on and effective at implementing a range of different healing tools. I enjoy both her monthly maternal journal on zoom and the mybirth courses. They really give you the pick me up you need as a new or overwhelmed parent. Everyone in all of the groups are very welcoming and come from all different experiences and walks of life. You aren't pressured to share with the group and can just quietly journal or make some artwork if you just want a space of solitude and self care. As a parent, I haven't yet found anything similar or comparable to this support and welcoming group. She's also made all her support groups accessible to those on low incomes and allows babes in arms to the in person groups, as well as making the zoom groups an inclusive place for those who still have children bouncing around the room.
Beth Zamchick
Beth Zamchick
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I recently had a couple EFT sessions with Aileen and they were truly amazing. She is so warm and understanding and I really felt safe being guided through the sessions by her. I can’t recommend her enough! Thank you again Aileen.
Susan Sutherland
Susan Sutherland
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Aileen is a skilled EFT practitioner. Her warm and friendly approach put me totally at ease from the start of the session. I found it so easy to use the techniques that she taught and could not imagine how successful using EFT would be for me to address some deep self esteem issues. I leave each session with a wonderful sense of well being. I would recommend EFT and Aileen to everyone!
Gaetano Arena
Gaetano Arena
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I had an EFT (or tapping) session with Aileen. She's been incredibly present throughout the entire session. I felt safe to let go of quite profound traumas and body tension. EFT is a very effective practice but requires experienced practitioners. Aileen is definitely one of these.
Hana Saotome
Hana Saotome
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I had a fantastic EFT session with Aileen. She held an open, calm, supportive and safe space for me to really delve deeper and make some new discoveries about myself. She was professional, kind and understanding. I would highly recommend her EFT sessions to anyone.
Hannah Croft
Hannah Croft
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I loved the EFT session I had with Aileen. She is so kind, skilled, and an excellent educator too. I’m hoping the skills she taught me will be very helpful going forward, and I’m excited to try them out! Thanks Aileen.

You can help ensure our perinatal mental health support service continues to be affordable for all by donating through SumUp clicking the green button, or by using the details below:

Account: My Birth Support CIC

Account Number: 12682008

Sort Code: 60-83-71

Thank you to the grant funders who make our service affordable for all:

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