Hi, I’m Aileen White (she/her) and I’ve been offering perinatal mental health support (perinatal means before and after birth) to families for the past eleven years since overcoming Tokophobia (fear of childbirth) and becoming a parent myself. This year I became an Ambassador for the KCC – led Trauma Informed Kent Initiative.
As a qualified and experienced teacher, I am passionate about helping you learn a personalised toolkit of creative strategies to help you flourish and thrive. Through our support, you can become more resilient and confident. I offer childbirth preparation, birth trauma recovery and parenting support groups or 1:1 over the internet or face-to-face in and around Canterbury UK.
Being the parent of a neuro diverse child, I recognise how important it is to tailor my support to meet your needs, to offer a very warm welcome to LGBTQIA+ families and to those with English as a second language.
I recognise not everyone can afford tailored support, so I founded My Birth Support CIC. Through grant funding we are able to offer our perinatal mental health support events in groups at a more affordable rate for all. We also offer our support via social prescribing through Red Zebra and Involve Kent. We are delighted that we have been awarded a Kent Mental Wellbeing Award in Autumn 2024!
A community to support you as you grow and flourish in your role as a parent.
You can help ensure our perinatal mental health support service continues to be affordable for all by donating through SumUp clicking the green button, or by using the details below:
Account: My Birth Support CIC
Account Number: 12682008
Sort Code: 60-83-71
Thank you to the grant funders who make our service affordable for all: